Both of you are very practical people, with good common sense. Your grounded and realistic approach to issues makes you very compatible philosophically and intellectually. Over time, the two of you may become too complacent and conservative, and focus too much on mundane affairs or narrowly focused mental interests. Take time for sheer fund and enjoyment and do not become too serious.
Material security and order in your practical affairs is essential to both of you. You may rely a great deal on money for a sense of emotional well-being, or even substitute material gifts or emotional sharing and affection (Capricorn is particularly prone to this).
Both of you are dependable and responsible in close relationships, and you appreciate this very much in one another. You harmonize well together, though there are significant differences in temperaments.
Capricorn is hardworking, serious about ambitions, and is a self-disciplined and self-denying person to whom spontaneous play and frivolity don't come naturally. A strong, self-sufficient person (at least on the outside), Capricorn has trouble accepting "childish" emotional needs and feelings in general. Capricorn seeks to prove personal worth through accomplishment and by achieving success in material terms. Taurus, too, is a practical person, but has a strong pleasure-loving, comfort-loving, easy-going side that borders on laziness at times. Taurus enjoys the things worked for, and can help Capricorn do so, too. Taurus also expresses affection and sensuality more readily than Capricorn, and can help Capricorn open up I this way.
Both of you have a base of inner harmony and congruence. This is, while you may be at odds with people or circumstances outside of yourself, you are not torn within yourself about what you want, feel, or require to be happy.
If you find yourselves attracted to one another and it appears at the outset that you have similar needs, attitudes, and common interests, then you can trust that this is so. Neither one will be "changing your tune" later on.
However, if you find that you are quite dissimilar, harbor no illusions about changing one another or winning the other person over. You may be complementary but neither of you can alter the very basic differences between you. These differences, also, will be very clear at the outset.
Both of you are direct and to-the-point and generally do not mince words. Capricorn, however, tends to overdo this tendency and becomes quarrelsome, quite impatient with others' dullness, and even verbally abusive at times. Taurus, on the other hand, can speak decisively and convincingly without creating controversy or opposition. Capricorn could learn from Taurus the difference between direct, honest communication, and an abrasive, aggravating, self-centred style of communication.
As a couple, you will attract good fortune and plenty, but it will be very easy for the two of you to let it slip through your fingers. Unless at least one of you has a conservative, disciplined, nature, you will spend so freely and enjoy yourselves so much that you won't consider putting something aside for a rainy day.
Even if the two of you don't have a huge income, it will seem to others as if you do. You will never lack for anything, take plenty of vacations, party, and generally have a good time. You bring one another luck!
You are likely to become involved in social groups, political or altruistic organizations, committees, and religious groups together. A big challenge will be how to maintain a high level of integrity and honesty in these activities so that the ideals can be reached.
Sexually, you are both in tune with each other, most of the time. However, your sexual life, like other aspects of your lives, is exciting but not predictable and likely to vary from ecstatic to unsatisfying. You must be willing to be flexible and adaptable in all areas of life. Be wary, also, of letting your love for freedom and independence become a euphemism for being neglectful and inconsiderate of each other.
You feel energized and get into a dynamic, sometimes impatient and reckless mood together. You enjoy engaging in exciting or daring activities together. You get impatient with each other and can easily get into lots of arguments and feelings of irritation and annoyance with each other. If you find each other at all physically attractive, then your sexual responsiveness to each other is very direct and even aggressive at times.