You are opposites in many respects: Capricorn is practical and realistic, deals effectively with the demands and responsibilities of the work place, and has a serious, sometimes cynical attitude toward life. Pisces on the other hand, is a sensitive, imaginative dreamer at heart, far more emotional and empathic than Capricorn is. Pisces intuitively knows that there is much more to life than what can be measured in material, concrete terms. Capricorn is essentially a "doubting Thomas" who requires proof. Where Pisces tends to be gullible, Capricorn tends to be sceptical.
Also, Capricorn thrives on order and organisation, while Pisces is frequently disorganised or more comfortable in an atmosphere of clutter and "creative chaos".
Both of you have a certain reserve, introspectiveness and depth, and you may have much to offer one another if you are willing to appreciate the differences between you.
Your temperaments, moods, and emotional responses are very different.
Pisces is very, very sensitive and responds emotionally and sympathetically to people while Capricorn is emotionally detached and often distant or inaccessible. Pisces tends to be a bleeding heart, while Capricorn tends to be somewhat suspicious or hard toward people who are in unfortunate circumstances - Capricorn doesn't want to get involved unless they are friends. Capricorn also ignores or downplays emotions in general, and has a rather serious, sober, no-nonsense attitude toward life. Pisces is a bit of a dreamer or drifter and is far less practical, organised, efficient, and ambitious about material matters than Capricorn is. Pisces may sometimes long for more empathy, affection, and softness from Capricorn.
You bring out the Dreamer, Idealist, or Gambler in one another. Great hopes and expectations for the future, spiritual explorations, journeys, Quests, a shared vision, dreaming the Impossible Dream together: this is a fundamental aspect of your relationship. The inspiration and sense of unlimited possibilities is the up side of this. The down side is a tendency to see everything in too rosy a light, to become irresponsible, to have over-inflated expectations, and to use poor judgment when you are together.
Together you act more carefully, cautiously, conservatively, methodically and patiently than either of you might on your own. You have a steady pace which enables you to go the distance, and thus to achieve something worthwhile and enduring. You don't shy away from hard work or the real nitty gritty, concrete details involved in life. You can and will help one another organise and effectively manage certain mundane aspects of your lives. However, these details may become a significant focus in your time together, and falling into the role of being the responsible adult may not leave much room for dreaming, playing, or exploring new things. Nevertheless, reliability and being able to "get the job done" can be satisfying in their own way.
As a couple you are inclined to overdo the "good life" however, and can put too much into luxuries, vacations, delicious but transitory pleasures. You'll want to live it up together, to just go out and have fun - and FUN is definitely one of the purposes of your relationship. but eventually you'll have to pay for this if you two don't keep it within reasonable bounds.
Sex is a smorgasbord relationship full of generosity and extravaganza. Your sexual imagination is never a substitute for the real thing. You both have a good reputation as lovers and have plenty of sexual stamina and a large appetite for love and experimentation.
Pisces has a strong desire to know Capricorn in a very intimate way, and often pressures Capricorn to reveal innermost, hidden traits. Capricorn, in turn, reveals more to Pisces than to others. You enjoy times alone together, when you can be more intimate and less inhibited with each other.
Capricorn's more mature, responsible, reliable side comes out in this relationship. Capricorn becomes almost paternalistic in this relationship, always being concerned about Pisces's well-being. Capricorn is also inclined to offer lots of critical advice, at times interfering too much with Pisces's plans and goals. Capricorn's "helpful criticism" sometimes sours into moralistic judgements. Capricorn should be wary of the tendency to control or severely limit Pisces's sense of freedom.