Both of you are very practical, realistic people. You set clear goals in life and you are persistent, reliable workers that eventually reach a high level of success. Together you can build a secure and stable life. You appreciate the high level of integrity, maturity, and responsibility that you share with your partner. You could be a very successful team in business activities as well. A lack of zest and liveliness in your lives may develop, particularly if you have been married to each other for a long time. Both of you have a great deal of objectivity and emotional detachment, but this can degrade into the undesirable qualities of boredom, apathy, or heartlessness. If your relationship and your lives become too filled with mundane concerns, too centred around responsibilities and business, you should both consider engaging in light, childish activities and entertainments on occasion, and remember to laugh heartily at least once a day!
Because your emotional natures and deeply ingrained attitudes are so similar, you understand one another very well, but you also share and reinforce one another's bad habits.
Both of you have a sober, realistic, and at times cynical or pessimistic attitude towards life. Work, concrete accomplishment, and material assets give you a sense of security, and you can easily become too immersed in work-related responsibilities, neglecting your home life and your own needs for relaxation, play, and sustaining close emotional ties with others. Both of you are ambitious and you are often hard on yourselves if you do not achieve enough.
Showing feelings of vulnerability, neediness, or sentimentality, even to those closest to you, does not come easily to you. You can seem emotionally distant and inaccessible to others. You express caring more by being faithful and constant and doing something concrete (like shouldering financial responsibilities) for the people you love.
Emotional caution, self-control, seriousness, and a tendency to expect and prepare for the worst are ingrained emotional habits of yours.
Both of you would benefit by learning to trust, laugh (playfully, not cynically or ruefully), and to be kinder to yourselves.
Both of you have very deep feelings and powerful emotional attachments to those you love and care about. Your emotional intensity is a quality that may not be fully appreciated by less passionate should. However, the two of you understand, and are probably drawn to, this aspect of one another. You both want to be very alive and to feel everything deeply. In fact you both tend to be somewhat addicted to a certain level of extreme emotionalism, and everyday life can seem too dull without great expression of feelings.
Each of you is a natural psychologist, in the sense that you seem to tune into others' hidden emotions and motivations quite readily. You can "read" people with ease.
Both of you tend to be quarrelsome and quick to turn any discussion into a verbal contest. Neither of you listens very well or is truly receptive to others' ideas and feedback. You tend to interrupt, to change the subject abruptly if it suits you, and to force your ideas down others' throats at times. This impresses some people or convinces them to adopt your point of view, but with each other you are apt to get a taste of your own medicine!
You both need to learn a sense of timing, tact, and sensitivity when relating to others.
As a couple, you tend to focus too much on the responsibilities and duties that you have to each other and not enough time to simply have fun, laugh, and enjoy life. Both of you are also likely to feel blocked in your creative expression. You may feel judged and criticised by each other, and that you hold one another back. You will be called on to make lots of sacrifices for one another.
There is a deep sense of mutual commitment and dedication that keeps the two of you together, even when you face difficult times. Capricorn is very dedicated and loyal to Capricorn, sincerely interested in being responsible to Capricorn, and willing to make sacrifices when necessary. The two of you work well together on practical matters and business affairs. If you marry, you will find that you can rely on each other to be helpful and responsible.
You both really enjoy each other's company. You put each other in a good mood and an optimistic, friendly, jovial atmosphere develops when you get together. You may have been friends for some time before you became lovers. You are a very likeable couple and, as a couple you are very sociable, hospitable, and expansive. You bring out the generous side of one another, and are very nurturing and protective towards each other.
Your relationship is destined to always be a "hot" one. The sexual fireworks which are generated between the two of you are undeniable. However, certain difficulties will arise from time to time in this area - among them: differences in how you each express or wish to receive affection, an element of conquest or dominance that evokes competitive feelings in the other person, or possessiveness because one or both of you feel you can't get enough of the other person. It may be hard for both of you to get your sexual-emotional needs met, as one of you is apt to dominate. Imbalances of this sort can create a lot of anger in the neglected, "giving" partner. If, however, you can learn to take turns giving and receiving, and focus on truly joining, the two of you can have a very vibrant, passionate relationship.