Both of
you are active, motivated individuals, but Aries' focus is
more on being independent and personally creative, while
Capricorn like to follow a stable path to success. Aries'
impulsiveness and indifference to social customs sometimes
clash with Capricorn's conservatism. Aries can give
Capricorn encouragement while Capricorn can help Aries
direct abundant energy.
emotional responses and ways of coping with challenges are
very different. Aries takes a positive stance and wants to
'do battle', Capricorn tends to withdraw in order to
formulate a strategy for dealing with the problem.
Aries is
spontaneous and direct in expressing desires and feelings;
Capricorn is careful and controlled and quite subdued.
Positively, Capricorn can help Aries gain some emotional
distance and detachment in irritating situations because
Aries tends to take everything personally and Capricorn does
You share
a similar emotional depth and intensity, especially
passionate feelings about loved ones, family, and children
in particular.
The love
and devotion that you feel for each other is very strong.
The sweet, romantic, tender feelings that you evoke in each
other are so powerful that they draw you together like
magnets. You love to take care of each other during illness
or other difficulties. You know that your mate is ready and
willing to give whatever is needed and to make sacrifices
with ease.
Sex is
important to both of you. Although there is a deep spiritual
association in the relationship, the physical expression can
be somewhat challenging. Despite loving each other very
deeply, your relationship is prone to emotional ups and
downs. It is not unusual for the quality of feelings that
you have for each other to be quite different, and this can
lead to misunderstandings. You also easily hurt each other's
feelings, not realising how much the other person loves and
cherishes you.