In many ways the two of you are opposites. Cancer needs a lot of domestic and family activities. Nurturing others and personal involvement with others is a necessary part of life for Cancer. Family and close friends are extremely important for Cancer, while Capricorn often becomes emotionally detached from personal affairs and may fail to fully appreciate Cancer's more personal, emotional responses to situations. Capricorn may seem dry and emotional inexpressive to Cancer.
Your differences can serve to complement each other only if you really understand and appreciate each other. Both of you do seek security, consistency, and fidelity in relationships, so there is a reasonably good chance that over time you will develop a greater appreciation for each other's opposite qualities.
Your instinctive emotional responses and your temperaments are very different and, in fact, quite opposite much of the time.
Cancer is emotional, tender, sentimental, easily swayed by moods and appeals to sympathy. The need to be deeply connected, a desire to be taken care of and/or a need to be needed are very strong in Cancer. Caring and closeness are of primary importance to Cancer.
Capricorn is as committed and loyal in relationship as Cancer is, but Capricorn is uncomfortable feeling or expressing softness, neediness, vulnerability and emotion in general.
Capricorn has a certain crustiness and emotional distance, which seems cool or cold at times. Personal emotional needs are often ignored or put aside in favour of work, practical responsibilities and duties. Capricorn eschews dependency or "babyishness", expecting capable, responsible, no-nonsense behaviour at all times. Highly demanding of self and others, Capricorn often neglects the playful, feeling, childlike side of life.
Cancer's emotionality and neediness often conflicts with Capricorn's emotional detachment and dry realism. Secretly, however, Capricorn needs tenderness as much as anyone, though admitting that and asking to be held or comforted is very hard for Capricorn to do. Cancer's softness is much needed and appreciated by Capricorn.
And Cancer, thought sometimes frustrated by Capricorn's inexpressiveness or unresponsiveness, is also drawn to Capricorn's strength and emotional stability.
Although your tastes and preferences are often completely opposite from each other, you love and admire each other very deeply. There is almost a maternal tenderness that you feel for each other, and the warm sympathy and caring that you feel for each other fosters a close and lasting relationship. There is a "soul kinship" between you.
Both of you have a tremendous romantic imagination and feeling for beauty. You also enjoy a certain aura of mystery and/or wish to maintain an idealised image of your beloved. Positively, you seek to see only the good in others, and to forgive their departures from their best selves. Compassion and spiritual understanding are an important part of love for you, and you both seek friends and lovers who have these qualities. Other people may think of both of you as saints or "angels" because of your loving hearts and your kindness.
Sexual expression has a wonderful compatibility, you "spark" each others imagination and the bond is strong. When the dam beaks during sexual intercourse, it releases a flood of physical passion that takes you both by storm. Erotic cries of verbal happiness will always be expressed in this relationship.
The depth of love which you will be able to experience with one another will have a transformative, healing effect on both of you. Through your relationship, you'll realise the power of love to change lives and mend the broken places within you both. This certainly is part of the purpose of your being together. Even if other aspects of your relationship are difficult or frustrating, the intensity of your feelings for one another and your desire to be together will be very strong. In fact, it would be very difficult indeed for you to let go of one another.
Wonderful good fortune and blessings on many levels come to you both as a result of being together. Yours is destined to be a very felicitous relationship, one that promises both happiness and growth. You will bring out the finest in one another, and contribute to one another's success, as well as one another's joy.