Capricorn's more emotionally detached, reserved, down-to-earth and somewhat cynical or sceptical attitude contrasts with Leo's warm enthusiasm and basically cheerful temperament. In your personal style and tastes, also, this difference is very apparent: Capricorn prefers the classics, simple elegance, and either a very conservative traditional style or an austere less-is-more, keep-it-simple style. Leo has a generous, lavish hand and loves rich colour, warmth, and brilliance that borders on gaudiness. Sometimes, this translates into emotional terms also. Capricorn is more careful, cooler, less inclined to gamble, wants a sure thing. Leo is more open to expressive and arm and needs an abundance of appreciation and affection - more than Capricorn is inclined to give sometimes. One thing you do have in common: you both take your commitments to heart, and you prize fidelity and loyalty.
Capricorn's essentially sober, conservative, and cautious disposition contrasts with Leo's exuberant, generous, dramatic temperament. Leo's tastes are lavish, bold and colourful, while Capricorn prefers a subdued, simple quietly elegant style.
Whereas Capricorn downplays emotions and emotional displays, Leo often exaggerates them. Like a child, Leo is eager for attention, love, praise, and recognition from others, while Capricorn, ever the adult, rarely admits needing people in that way. Capricorn is, or appears to be, more self-sufficient emotionally. While Leo is usually quite warm and personable, Capricorn is frequently detached, formal, and businesslike with people. For Capricorn, sharing is shown by dedication and faithfulness or by practical assistance - "actions not words", and Leo sometimes craves more warm attention from Capricorn.
Also, Leo is more of an optimist by nature, whereas Capricorn tends towards pessimism or at least a clear-eyed realism. Leo's cheerfulness can lighten Capricorn's mood when Capricorn becomes too serious (which is frequently).
Wit, intelligence, and an active mind are attributes the two of you share, and in your relationship there will be a focus on communicating, bantering, a lot of verbal give and take. Both of you tend to be the dominant one in any discussion or debate, and you may find yourselves completing with each other in your discussions. This most likely will not be a major problem, but both of you would do well to step back and truly listen to one another.
A serious erosion of security, confidence, and self-esteem can occur in and through your relationship with one another, because you will be able to escape confronting the shadowy or illusory aspects of yourselves, those places in your lives where you might wish to pretend or deceive yourselves. An overall feeling of pessimism may descent on you both from time to time, as you confront your own inadequacies and weaknesses. Part of what this relationship is about is learning to separate what is real from what is not, and stripping away false images and illusions. At best, a deep and serious attitude toward spirituality, and the desire to make your ideals a concrete, here-and-now experience will result.
Your love for each other has a very dreamy, idealistic, and romantic quality. You are infatuated with each other, sometimes almost hypnotised by each other. You tend to have glamorous and idealistic notions of each other that are far removed from reality. This relationship is prone to major disappointments when you each discover that your partner is not as perfect as imagined. Disillusionment and disappointment are likely, but you can mitigate this tendency if you allow yourself to enjoy the dreamy romanticism without projecting your wildest fantasies onto your partner, believing you have found the companion of your dreams.
At times both of you may be uncertain and confused about how you should assert yourselves in a sexual relationship. Sometimes your rhythm is completely out, or accepted procedure does not seem to work. Leo has a direct approach towards sex, whereas Capricorn, tends to be more conservative yet faithful. Both of you may prefer having specific boundaries of sexual expression, rather than emotional free-for-all. Climaxing together may be a problem at times - stamina may be required, with a little patience.
You work well together on the level of practical, mundane affairs and could function very well as business partners. When you blend your energies, financial matters, investments, and plans for future security tend to work out quite well. Because you are able to cooperate to be faithful to your shared aims and goals, you make a successful team.