is renowned for his uncanny and accurate forecasts on world
politics and economics. Many a politician, economist and trader
has visited this website and read the monthly predictions,
concerning future global economical trends, including subsequent
stock market directions and possible overtones; his predictions are astoundingly accurate.
March 2025 Astrological Forecast
March will be an extraordinary astrological month due to two eclipses influencing the global horoscope over the next three months, and an array of interesting planetary aspects transiting in line throughout the next few months as well. The first (Lunar) eclipse will be on March 14, 4:58 pm, AEST, in the zodiac signs of Pisces (changes) and Virgo (rational) which will influence North and South America, Europe, and Africa. The second (Solar) eclipse, March 29, 8:47 pm, AEST, in the zodiac sign of Aries (new beginnings) will shadow Northwest Africa, Europe, and Northwest Russia. The main influences of these eclipses will drive geopolitical events concerning major changes in the global economy, peace talks, world-wide elections, international trade, stock market nervousness, weather pattern changes and temperature conditions, seismic activity, political demonstrations, population unrest, rises in unemployment, assassination attempts, and security alerts, particularly throughout Canada, USA, Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, Nicaragua, Brazil, and Venezuela. The African and European continents will also be full of news bulletins, which appear extremely disruptive, as eclipse can influence the death of royalty, important persons, politicians, or well-known celebrities. March, with the Sun (worldly activities) and Saturn (caution) in transit through Pisces (confidentiality), will be a month for world governments to secretly negotiate, organise, and endeavour to come to a compromise, and set foundations for future peace in war-torn countries, and, at the same time, deal positively and constructively with global trade, tariffs, and political limitations, including immigration.
With Mars (action) in transit through the home, economic, and security sign of Cancer throughout March, this month will bring dynamic, energetic, and aggressive political people together, who will drive intensely to achieve a compromise over the main war zones of the Middle East, and Ukraine and Russia. Overall, the planetary aspects for March do favour most negotiations, however, the Lunar and Solar eclipses will have a major influence on the final future outcome between East and West over the next three months. Unfortunately, with Mercury, planet of negotiations, agreements, and decisions, turning retrograde (negative) during March 14 to April 7, it is during this cycle all negotiations appear to faulter, or be placed on hold due to objections over proposed conditions becoming a non-agreement issue, or abating political and unfair suggested circumstances. The crucial issues for debate will be over land, territory rights and ownership. Both the Israel-Gaza territory, and the Ukraine-Russian boundaries, will be in dispute due to greed and corruption over future development plans regarding military sovereignty, sole ownership of agriculture, manufacturing, and mineral rights. With Pluto (vindictive) in transit through Aquarius (independence), forget about peacekeeping forces; sovereign countries will oppose such an action of restriction or limitation. Countries will want their own laws and regulations, not those imposed by others.
Throughout March, Venus (peace) will be in retrograde (negative) through the independent zodiac sign of Aries. Therefore, seeking out and winning the cooperation of others, such as enemies, partners, countries, for purposes, and the participation, interaction, opposition, and argument, will be a burden to politicians and lawmakers trying to compromise to all parties concerned. March is also a negative month for those countries wanting to hold a general election, for the planetary aspects are running negative, rather than positive, regarding gaining popularity with constituents. March eclipses will influence a loss of seats for those parties holding present governments, and in extreme cases will create a minority, hung parliament or loss for some countries. Astrologically, from April 7 to May 24 are better times for general elections, as there is less opposition to negative voting. The Australian government may consider going to the polls during this period.
Prime Minister Albanese (Pisces) and his Labor government have been losing popularity over the past two years due to the high cost of living and inflationary juggling by the Federal Government, who have been blaming the world for their economic and inflationary problems. However, the past inflationary pressure has been caused by the government overspending, and not the taxpayer. The Labor government’s dominant obsession over global warming, green energy, and the lowering of carbon deposits through the construction and erection of expensive wind turbines and solar farms, has done nothing to ease the price burden of energy and electricity supply, and the high cost of living for families trying to survive. Neptune, planet of confusion, has influenced the government’s ideals, and the promise of lower energy prices has been an illusionary pipe dream for the government ever since it came to office. Fortunately, the planet Neptune will leave the illusionary sign of Pisces at the end of March and begin a short initial transit through the realistic sign of Aries until the end of October, the first time for around 165 years. This will be a wake -up call for the government as the federal election results will show in the months ahead. Neptune last transited Aries in 1861, when the American Civil War began. Neptune takes about 14 years to transit each sign of the zodiac, and it takes 165 years to complete a full cycle through all the twelve signs, so expect long term changes to take effect politically from January 26, 2026 onward as Neptune commences a fourteen-year cycle in the zodiac sign of Aries.
Interesting to note, over the past twelve months Australian Labor’s popularity has declined, due to the high to costs of living and stagnant bank interest rates. The government has allowed inflation to stay too high for too long due to their excuse that the world economy is creating the problem, instead of refraining from wasteful government spending. If we look back, the USA started cutting interest rates around September-October 2024, the UK and Europe cut 1.6 percent, and Canada cut interest rates around June – July 2024, 2 percent, and across the Tasman, New Zealand cut by 1.2 percent points. The Australian Reserve Bank has expressed caution about the prospects of further reductions, yet New Zealand has now reduced the official cash rate by fifty basis points to 3.75 percent. This is their fourth reduction since August last year. Why New Zealand and not Australia? The New Zealand government’s plan for reducing inflation is working because of less government spending on unnecessary projects, making mortgage payments more affordable for constituents due to interest rate cuts. According to New Zealand’s horoscope, Mars, planet of action in transit through the zodiac sign of Cancer (home affairs) linking positively with NZ’s natal Saturn (good management) and transiting Jupiter (fortunate) crossing the ascendant (new beginnings), New Zealand can expect to experience inflation well under control, and an ease in the cost of living, especially over the next eighteen months. From June 9, 2025, the New Zealand government should be pleased with a major turning point in the country’s economy, placing more money into the pockets of constituents. Why? Because the New Zealand government (National – Coalition) is not wasting taxpayers’ dollars on unnecessary global warming infrastructure, but instead is building growth through greater local production, and new global export markets. Prime Minister Luxton (Cancer) commences a new twelve-year astrological cycle from June 9, 2025, guaranteeing him further success for another term as Prime Minister in the future. New Zealand can expect a financial growth cycle and cuts in international debt over the next two years.
Peter Dutton (Scorpio) is the Liberal-coalition leader of the federal opposition. According to his horoscope, Dutton would have to be one of the most honest politicians on the federal scene. He works extremely well under pressure and controls his personality completely under difficulty and stress. Dutton is an ambitious politician, with much Virgo (perfectionism) and Cancer (caring) zodiac signs influencing his personality. With his strong Mars (action) and Uranus (direct) heading in his horoscope, Dutton can at times be extremely unrestrained, forceful, and energetic in reaching his goals. Dutton’s self-respect, pride and vitality will increase during this year. One of his fundamental goals will be to define his place in the world, and for that he will work with more energy, enthusiasm, and authority. Dutton’s Moon in Cancer may cause him to be subjective to public opinion, and this may cause him to be apprehensive at times, when he should assert himself more. However, this year he will surprise others with his power of decision-making and his initiative. Astrologically, Dutton will have a favorable year for his political and personal enterprises and work in general. However, it will be a slower pace period than he might anticipate. He will be able to rely on the support of the public, especially that of women. Planetary changes over March-April in his professional activity will bring him into more favorable contact with constituents, achieving an increase in his popularity and attainment.
However, for Dutton to be successful and become prime minister of Australia for 2025, looks difficult for him, as the planetary aspects in his horoscope are not showing a strong enough combination for a major change of federal government. Dutton should have announced his Coalition policies months ago, and not leave them to the last minute, to give the population time to think. Jupiter (fortunate) will favorably connect with his natal Mars (action) over the next seven weeks. However, this may be too late to compete with Labor’s new people policies. When one compares the horoscopes of Dutton and Albanese, it appears the prime minister does have a more promising overall horoscope at election time. It appears with Venus (contentment) in transit through Aries (young and new migrant voters), students and migrants, will support Labor for HECS fee elimination, new educational opportunities, health, Medicare bulk billing, benefits, childcare, apprentice trades, public housing, and first home buyers’ assistance. With Jupiter (expansion) in transit through Gemini (communication-elders-assistance), migrants, pensioners, careers, disabled and confined constituents will lean toward Labor, due to an increase in Australian citizenship opportunities, increased pensions, tax cuts and incentives. Watch the unorthodox opinion polls blend to the right from March 8 to April 7, 2025. From April 13 to May 16, 2025, a more accurate polling will be noticeable. Astrologically, it appears the planetary aspects for Albanese show a slight gain overall for the next two months for him to retain the position of prime minister, with a reduced Labor majority in federal parliament. Jupiter (financial increases), Saturn (stability), Neptune (accomplish) and Pluto (transformation) will be the main transiting planets that will assist Albanese over the line.
The New York Stock Exchange will have interesting and positive trends ahead from March 1 to March 14. Expect a slow-down with trading for the remainder of March. Uranus, planet of positive change, is about to connect with the NYSE natal Sun (expansion) from April 28 to July 4, 2025, for the first time in eighty-four years. Expect interesting commodity trading during this cycle and gains are possible. Silver and gold should also be trading well during this period. However, the BIG surprises for trading may occur from Tuesday 8 July to Friday 7 November 2025 when Uranus (unexpected change) will enter Gemini (communications) to change the electronics and Bitcoin direction. Keep an eye of tech stocks, AI, telecommunications, Biotech, television, entertainment, newspapers, sporting bodies and organisations. Expect improved changes, amalgamations, and take-overs during this cycle.
President Trump (Gemini) will continue his mammoth ride on the economic reconstruction machine, as his band of highly skilled executives plan and reconstruct many inconsistencies regarding the US economy and trade through Treasury, civil service, law enforcement, defence, health, immigration, home affairs, education, employment, mining, energy, farming, transport, a halt to expensive global warming projects and payments to the United Nations.
This is because Trump’s horoscope is presently influenced by Uranus (change), conflicting with his natal Mars (action), creating a volley of strenuous work activities ahead for his government and the US in general until April 27, 2026. From this date onward, the US economy will be showing remarkable signs of significant growth and less waste. The standard of living during 2026 – 2030 shows progress through improved production and steady employment growth. The first signs of major economic transformation this year will be between July 7 and November 8, 2025, as Uranus (sudden, liberation) transits the communications, trade, and geopolitical zodiac sign of Gemini. Expect countless political surprises ahead for the world this year.
Elon Musk (Cancer) will certainly not be taking things easy throughout 2025, as transiting Jupiter (massive) will connect with his natal Sun (organisation) from June 9, 2025 onward, influencing an extraordinary year ahead for Musk, who will influence and direct political and economic changes the US has not experienced in a lifetime. Musk will be involved in a great deal of diverse activities, too many interests for him to choose from, as he cuts to the chase. There will be a tendency to start a mass of projects without being able to finish them during this year ahead, or even the distant future. He should control the number of projects he tackles and concentrate on the projects that can be successfully completed quickly, so that he does not scatter his energies, otherwise health issues may create difficulties for him. This will be a year full of major changes and improvements in his professional life. It could bring improved working conditions, the launching of new projects, added business responsibilities, job changes and the development of exciting innovative ideas for the future. Musk’s ideas and objectives will be far-reaching, progressive, and unusual, and his daily activity will be related to government groups of people, departments, organisations, associations and committees which have been dragging their feet for years in ways that need reorganisation. This will be a crash-burn year for Musk, as his objective will be to eliminate waste and expense. With a US Treasury debt of US$22 trillion, Musk will use his authority to eliminate disorganisation, incompetence, ineffectiveness, and debt. Musk will introduce greater cooperative activity and efficiency that will benefit productivity and boost production. As Musk commences a new twelve-year cycle with Jupiter crossing his natal Sun, he will receive assistance from influential or powerful friends, and he will rely on favours from the public in general, which will increase his prestige and popularity. The US and global public are in for a massive surprise package of economic change with Trump and Musk pulling the strings. You haven't seen anything yet.
The following countries will continue to be astrologically on the watch list for March, due to the slow planetary transits and negative aspects over these countries during February-July. Caution is advised when travelling to these places due to continuous possible unexpected adverse economic conditions, weather, seismic activity, or political disruption: Hong Kong, China, Haiti, Indonesia, Iraq, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Cape-Verde Islands, South Africa, Somalia, Madagascar, Monaco, Portugal, Oman, Malta, Columbia, Malaysia, Japan, Brazil, North Korea, Russia, Liechtenstein, Namibia, Eire, Swaziland, Botswana, Kosovar, Syria, Singapore, Serbia, USA, Romania, Morocco, Dominican Republic, Greece, Mozambique, Vietnam, Tunisia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ghana, France, Spain, Israel, Palestine, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Grenada, Saotome-Principe, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Nepal, Seychelles, Angola, Timor, Ethiopia, Congo, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Albania, Belgium, Venezuela, Thailand, Canada, India, Costa-Rica, Khalistan, Brunei, Cyprus, Mexico, Pakistan, Saudi-Arabia, Yemen, Uruguay, Peru.
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