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October 2024 Astrological Forecast

The month of October opens with the transiting Moon in the pedantic sign of Virgo, together with the Sun (confidence) and Mercury (communications) joining together in the balanced sign of Libra. This combination will link favourably with Jupiter (growth) throughout October, so expect governments around the world to get their heads together and start showing some initiative regarding global unrest, conflict, geopolitical issues, trade, and recoveries regarding the international economy. The world horoscope indicates, with Uranus (disapproval) in transit through the financial sign of Taurus, and linking adversely with Saturn (limitation), that excessive amounts of money are being used for United Nations funding, political donations, armament distribution, combat aid and material supply to war-torn countries. This massive financial outgoing also includes massive funds for climate change projects that are draining many countries of their profits from trade income, and taxpayers’ earnings, creating excessive national debt, cost of living expenditure, inflation, high interest rates, global unrest, and causing gruelling government disapproval with constituents. With Mars in transit through the home sign of Cancer until November 4, 2024, constituents want government leaders to concentrate and attend to pressing local issues and not try to be international super stars solving other countries’ problems.

With many countries soon to hold national elections, leadership, cooperation, participation, interaction and mutual understanding will be key issues throughout the months ahead. Government representatives will endeavour to seek problem-sharing and mutual agreements over serious world crises, especially about the Middle East, Russia, Ukraine, Africa, and South American theatres. Much patience and cooperation will be required by all parties, globally if there is to be any form of agreement between Israel, the Palestinians, Hamas, Gaza, Hezbollah, Lebanon, the Houthis, Yemen, and Iran.  Unfortunately, with Mars (aggression) in transit through the sensitive and protective home-grown zodiac sign of Cancer and linking with Uranus (disruption) during October-November, a continued heavy escalation of Israeli conflict can be expected, especially from October 14 to November 4. The Middle Eastern theatre is very far from settlement and is not to be rushed politically. Israel wants peace. However, with Pluto (indifferent) presently in transit through the zodiac sign of Capricorn (conventional) until November 19, 2024, the Arab community tends to be influenced by opposition from non-cooperative anti-Semitic terrorist organisations, preventing peace agreements taking place.

As previously predicted, there appears to be no real peace negotiations in the Middle East until May 2026, as the horoscopes of Israel, Palestine, Hamas, Lebanon and Hezbollah are presently full of adversity, with no immediate signs of compromise. If the United Nations and global politicians stand up and tell the world they have the solution to a two-state agreement, they are completely away with the pixies and fairies on a political, pre-election, egoist, illusional fantasy. Viewing the group horoscopes, there is no astrological indication of an immediate peace settlement, nor a major Middle Eastern war that will include Iran in all-out fighting with Israeli troops. Iran’s horoscope indicates the country does not wish to go to war with Israel, otherwise they will suffer the consequences. War would mean the end of the Khamenei regime and allow the citizens of Iran to have their freedom, and that would create mayhem for the present Irani government and Khamenei stronghold. Iran could expect a total community uprising and renewal if there was war, which would be a blessing for the Iran population and the country in the long term. Peace and happiness would prevail after any serous offensive.

Throughout October-November, Irael is predicted to concentrate on Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. However, Iran will continue to supply weaponry to both terrorist groups, without involving direct armed Iranian troop movement against Israel. Interfering Western egoist politicians should stand back and let the Israelis and Arabs sort out their differences and not interfere with either country by trying to take or demand a political stand. The Middle East will settle down by May 2026; they do not need the United Nations, the US or Arab countries and others to interfere and make matters worse.

People forget their history. The British, who held a colonial mandate for Palestine until May 1948, opposed both the creation of a Jewish state and an Arab state in Palestine as well as unlimited immigration of Jewish refugees to the region. The British had reason to believe there would be uprisings if this settlement went ahead, and they have been correct over the past years. Great Britain wanted to preserve good relations with the Arabs to protect its vital political and economic interests in Palestine. On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. US President Harry S. Truman recognised the new nation on the same day and Israel was formed. The Arab community has never forgiven Truman for his actions, consequently the state of play between Arabs and Jews is what the world continues to witness to this day.

There’s only weeks until Americans cast their vote in the 2024 presidential elections, on November 5, 2024. Vice President Kamala Harris (Libra) will be full of confidence and bouncing around the states with joy. Why? Because it is her birthday on October 20, and she turns the BIG 60 years of age. Harris will hint to voters what a wonderful birthday present she could boast, if many constituents voted her in as President of the United States of America.

Astrologically, the first three weeks of October do appear favourable for Harris and her poll ratings will be running high with Uranus (surprise) linking with her natal Jupiter (good fortune) and the Moon on the 20th in the communications sign of Gemini, linking favourably with her natal Sun (honours).  However, Mars will clash with Kamala’s natal Sun and Moon during the last ten days of October, creating a swing away from Harris to Trump for undecided and middle-aged voters in some states due to negative Democrat policies regarding illegal immigration, the economy, inflation, and general cost of living. Harris has not shown leadership regarding economic management, productivity and security, nor has she stated any new economic policies. During the past six months, Harris has avoided media interviews regarding policy and concentrated on her self-image. This is why many voters will turn to Trump as the better economic manager and leader to handle future international adversity.

People will either love or hate Donald Trump (Gemini). However, many voters see Trump to be the stronger leader and manager for economic recovery, immigration, security, inflation, productivity, and the settling of certain global conflict theatres such as Russia-Ukraine, and Israel-Palestine.  For most constituents the economy and issues of employment and productivity remain the most important task, especially in the states of Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina. The states of Pennsylvania and Wisconsin may see a last-minute swing against the Democrats over employment, future productivity, and security guarantees, although the women’s vote appears to be strong for Harris in these states.

Astrologically, with Pluto (breakdown and rebuild) entering the zodiac sign of Aquarius (steadfastness and spontaneity) from 6:30 am, November 20, 2024, for a long transit until January 20, 2044, expect significant global economic pressures and major global conflict during this period. The question will be for many voters, can Kamala Harris show the strength and leadership to compete with the adversity that will be ahead of her, compared to Trump? Astrologically, Harris does not have strong horoscope for leadership.

Unfortunately, Kamala Harris’s horoscope indicates much conflict between her desires and her sense of responsibilities. She alternates between moments of intense activity and periods when she cannot seem to gather the energy to accomplish anything. A good example of this was her negative action and responsibility at the US-Mexican border, a total disaster over vital issues of illegal immigration. The US now has approximately fourteen million illegal immigrants that are costing US governments and taxpayers a fortune to keep, including free medical care, and at the same time taking jobs off American citizens.  Moderation is difficult for Harris. She appears to have too many highs and lows; she needs reassurance, hence the smiles and laughs up front that she continues to show, as she hides her emotional defence and insecurity. Kamala Harris has a great need for acceptance. 

Incidentally, the last time this Pluto transit occurred in the US horoscope was on April 5, 1777, the year of the battles of Prinston, Saratoga and Monmouth. The most important event was the birth of the American flag and changes in Congress leadership. Astrologically, from October 21 to November 5, 2024, with Jupiter (beneficial) cojoining Donald Trump’s natal Sun, he may receive a more favourable voting period during October-November 5, due to his strong magnetism, leadership ability and resilient economic policies to handle the growth and security of the US in the future.  

President Putin (Libra) is celebrating his 72nd birthday on October 7. However, it may not be a happy one for him due to Mars (aggravation) clashing with his natal Sun (egotism) and four of his natal planets. Putin will feel extremely insecure, restless, fidgety, nervous and unpredictable and needs to restructure his life. Throughout October he will consider contact with, or travel to, supporting countries regarding assistance, as Russian finances appear to be slipping from his hands due to sanctions and war losses. Business matters, negotiations, purchases, and deals appear to be beneficial for him through contact with China and North Korea. These negotiations will have a flow-on effect with weaponry and equipment in exchange for oil and scientific data.

Unfortunately for Putin, his plans for victory in Ukraine appear to be thwarted somewhat, due to extra finance, equipment, armament and missiles being delivered to Ukraine from the US and European countries. Putin also appears to be under pressure from many of his political colleagues from the Duma to finish the war once and for all by destroying vital infrastructure such as water, electricity, and nuclear power stations. However, astrologically, Putin will not start a nuclear catastrophe, even though he may threaten to do so, for he knows his opposition from President Xi Jinping of China, using any form of nuclear tactics will end his compassionate relationship. President Xi opposes Putin using any form of nuclear weapons in the European theatre and there is no astrological indication the Russian-Ukraine war will expand into other European countries. Quite the contrary.

The good news, astrologically speaking, on completion of the 2024 US Presidential elections the world may see the end of the Russian-Ukraine war through rigorous negotiations. By June 9, 2025, there appears to be compatible peace talks and border agreements conducted by the US and a compromise by Russia and Ukraine, with major changes beginning between July 8 and November 7, 2025, as Uranus (unexpected change) enters the communications, legal and redevelopment sign of Gemini.  Interesting to note, Putin will also make major directional changes during 2025, a very interesting and surprising year in Putin’s destiny – a new direction.

From the New Moon in Libra 4:49 am, AEST and a positive Venus (relationships) connecting with Saturn (secure), this will be an excellent month for those wishing to consider engagement, marriage, or starting a family. Also, October is a positive month for legal matters, contracts, buying, selling, reconciling long term agreements, completing higher education or professional studies, job interviews, settlements and new beginnings, arranging important events, teamwork, sport, travel arrangements, overseas connections, international relations, connecting with family members, relations or friends. Many will be considering, planning, or and organising a major change of direction in their lives, and this is an excellent time to action any plans.

With Venus (attraction) in transit through Scorpio (deep love), many singles could meet the person of their dreams or find themselves drawn into a deep, enticing relationship that is truly invigorating and expressive. October is full of happiness for those who wish to experiment, do something different, try something new, or change their ways of doing things. Just be a little careful in October if you are restless or impulsive; there will be a tendency to do things one should consider not doing, especially in personal relationships. October is a month that could invite new love affairs with those who are already engaged in a permanent relationship. Mercury, planet of gossip and news, could also cause problems for those who step over the emotional line and take part in an adventurous love affair; it may backfire, or cause future chaos. 

Venus (finances) will transit Scorpio (money) and Sagittarius (documentation) throughout October and November. Venus will help to smooth over any difficulties one has concerning insurance claims, taxation, a will, inheritance or legacy, probate problems, joint finances, or money matters outside of one’s regular income. This is also a pleasant month for those who engage in musical, artistic, and cultural matters.

Mars (aggression) will continue to transit the possessive zodiac sign of Cancer and link with Venus (love) up to the 17th. This aspect, together with Venus (emotions) opposite Uranus (explosive), may cause many to be involved with possessive arguments and physical abuse. Don’t be surprised to hear news in October of home invasions, robberies, increased family violence, jealousy, physical assault, sexual abuse, possessiveness, stalking, emotional separations, or divorce. October could be a busy month for police and welfare authorities.

With Mars (fire) continuing to transit through the house and buildings sign of Cancer, the danger of fire and explosions is still predominant throughout October and November. Care should be taken to avoid accidents with house fire, barbeques, trade buildings, warehouses, and storage facilities. October and November are danger months for wildfires. 

October will have Jupiter in retrograde from the 9th and this should ease some of the economic pressures for families as inflation starts to lower. General grocery shopping chains could be more competitive in pricing, giving shoppers extra value for the dollar. Early bargains will be available for shoppers as retailers lower prices leading up to the holiday season in December. Motor vehicle traders could show an upturn in trade from October 18 to December 7; as Venus (spend-thrift) transits Sagittarius (transport) and Capricorn (finance) the demand for new and used vehicles will increase. If one is considering holiday travel plans over the next three months, October is the month to set your pricing goals. Airlines, cruise companies, resorts, and travel parks will have pre-holiday advance travel bookings at bargain prices.

Job availability appears to be high during October-November: architects, draftsperson, builders, interior designers, landscapers, engravers, models, house painters, plasterers, plumbers, lock-smiths, cooks, bakers, cosmetics, beauty therapist, masseuse, hair dressers, milliners, sales, professional musicians, entertainers, lawyers, accountants, medical practitioners, nurses, welfare workers, health services, aged care, police, defence forces, farm labourers, agriculturists, mechanics, hydraulics, engineers, truck drivers, veterinarians, adult services.

Venezuela, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Syria, Sudan, Türkiye, France, North Korea, Germany, Mozambique, Cape Verde Islands, South Africa, Somalia, Zaire, Monaco, Madagascar, Saotome–Principe, Namibia, Lithuania, Guatemala, Nepal, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Mali, Micronesia, Sierra-Leoni, Bhutan, El-Salvador, Uganda, Mexico, Saudi-Arabia, Portugal, Oman, Brunei, Cambodia, Abkhazia, Malaysia, Brazil, Seychelles, Honduras, Latvia, Israel, Dominican Republic, Sri-Lanka, Zimbabwe, Niger, Thailand, Macedonia, Guinea, Burkina-Faso,  Albania, Dominica, Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Eritrea, Vatican City, China, Jordon, Iceland, Khalistan, Dagestan, Ecuador, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Qatar, Lithuania, Tunisia, Guinea, Niger, Burkina, Nigeria, Congo, Uganda, Zambia, Ethiopia, Namibia, and Kenya.

October will be a jittery month for markets, as the US elections in November will have many investors awaiting the outcome before trading seriously. Astrologically, investors should not plunge into market speculation, especially during the 14th- 18th and 23rd-28th. Caution is the key. With Mars (mining) in transit through Cancer, home-grown mining stock is the answer for October, especially silver, rare earths, lithium, coal, and copper. Get ready for a gold rush from November 5, 2024 – January 6, 2025, and April 21, 2025 – June 17, 2025. Markets should gain more momentum after November 5, 2024.

Silver should show reasonable movement throughout October until November 4, 2024, and from January 7 to April 18, 2025. Silver should have a bullish run during this cycle.

Currencies: 4, 10, 11, 18, 30.
Energy: 3, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23.
Oil: 10, 11, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 31.
Bio: 1, 2, 7, 14, 15, 18, 28, 29.
Industrials: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 21, 31.
Banks: 4, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18.
Commodities: 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 24, 29, 30.

Favourable Days: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27.
Cautious Days: 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31.


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