The Sun
in Pisces makes you an idealist fired by the power of the
imagination. You love to live on a romantic scale and are
particularly susceptible to colour and movement. Inspiration
and intuition play a great part in directing your actions.
The price
you pay for your idealism is that you are hopelessly
impractical in the conduct of everyday affairs. You are a
You are
hypersensitive, and this causes you an unnecessary amount of
worry. You have a strong desire to help anyone in need, and
are sometimes imposed upon by family and friends. You find
it hard to say no to others, and to define your own limits.
You are very sensitive to the illnesses and misfortunes of
immediate family and friends, taking on their worries as
though they were your own.
You can appear timid, and find it difficult to stand up for
your rights.
The up
side of your capacity to empathise with others is that you
are essentially an artistic type. Like the fish you tend to
take on the colouring and the mood of your surroundings.
This means that you could become an actor or actress. The
capacity to take on another's role and feelings is strong in
you. Other possible careers involve caring for others, such
as social work.
As with
all other mutable signs, there is a duality in your nature.
Leaping out of the water of matter towards higher ideals is
one aspect of this sign. But the fish can also be bound to
the earthly or watery plane of existence. Those who are
drifting with the earthbound life can get into self-undoing
with too much drink, too many sexual partners, too much
refusal to take responsibility for others.
In terms
of health you could have problems with the feet. Pisceans
tend to have smaller feet in relation to their body size
than other signs. You could suffer from corns, chilblains
and the like and always need to wear well-fitting,
comfortable shoes. Off-the-rack purchases of footwear can
often cause problems. You need to keep your feet warm and
dry, or you will develop tinea or other fungal infections.
The one
thing that you are renowned for is a tendency to feel sorry
for yourself when ill. Resistance to pain is not a
characteristic: you burst into tears easily.
born in the Southern Hemisphere often express greater
practicality than their Northern Hemisphere counterparts,
because they share some of the characteristics of their
opposite sign, Virgo. They can become quite 'health-faddy',
refusing to eat certain foods or taking vast quantities of
pills to supplement their diet. This is particularly so in
middle age.
