The Sun in Aries denotes activity in every department of life.
You possess strong convictions coupled with great physical
courage. You have a stormy and driven nature, and make decisions
with boldness and audacity. Leadership roles come easily to you.
You may
find your mental activity makes you prone to passionate
convictions, but you also have the capacity to transmit your
ideas to others as your enthusiasm is infectious. You
consider it your duty to have your ideas widely accepted and
have the charisma to achieve this.
is the keynote of your personality. You are very ambitious
and enterprising. The inevitable outcome of these qualities
is a tendency to recklessness and extravagance of ideas and
actions. You do not suffer fools gladly and find people who
dither hard to cope with. Your forceful convictions can make
it difficult for you to listen to temperate advice coming
from others, yet checking your facts could save you from the
fanaticism and rashness to which the Aries type is liable.
You tend
to give free expression to your impatience with those slower
than yourself and to become irritable on slight provocation.
For this reason you should always attempt to come to terms
with other people's convictions rather than dismissing them
just because they do not correspond with your own. You tend
to run hot, which can lead to burn-out!
with the Sun in Aries can learn a lot from the personality
traits of their opposite Zodiac sign of Libra. The measured
quality of the Libran ability to strive for balance in
decision-making and action complements the Aries, who wants
to run before learning to walk.
