Both of you are prone to have fits of perfectionism, and at such times you are extremely critical and difficult to please. You may vacillate between extreme neatness and sloppiness, or be very particular about some things but very casual or even sloppy in handling other areas of life. Because each of you has an eye for detail and can be very skilled and exacting when you put your mind to it, you have the potential to work together very well in any area that requires extreme care and attention. There is the problem, however, that your combined perfectionism may make both of you dissatisfied with anything that you attempt. Both of you like to express your love for someone by doing practical things for that person, and both of you enjoy helping out with daily chores and various tasks. The similarity in your traits makes you a well-matched couple.
You have very similar temperaments, so you understand one another quite well, but you also share the same weaknesses.
Both of you have refined sensitivities and are quite particular and discriminating in your tastes, your personal habits, your diet, etc. Your less that desirable habits or tendencies include being overly fastidious and finicky, compulsively worrying about mistakes, focusing on problems and flaws instead of successes, and demanding perfection of yourself and others. Both of you can be very difficult to live with! You should avoid nagging one another over trivialities.
There is a very warm and vital connection between you, and Virgo, in particular, will be a very influential person in Virgo's life, and at times monopolises or dominates Virgo's attention. Upon meeting you may have felt that you already knew one another very well. Certainly you have much in common in terms of your attitudes and interests, which makes you both feel very comfortable and close to one another. The more time you spend together, the more your identities merge and you will feel very much a part of one another, a deep mutual dependence upon one another, a very important part of one another's lives.
There is a tremendous amount of good will, optimism, and enthusiasm in your relationship. Virgo draws out Virgo's optimism and self-confidence and is able to assist Virgo in discovering new possibilities and avenues for growth. A shared vision, philosophy, or goal for the future gives vitality to your relationship.
Virgo holds an unusually strong fascination for, and influence over, Virgo. You are drawn together by an almost irresistible attraction, and it may be difficult for either of you to extricate yourselves from this relationship because the bond between you is so compelling. Very little can be hidden from one another. Your subconscious motives, feelings, and desires are brought to light in this relationship, which is likely to profoundly change your attitudes towards yourselves. You are likely to feel either much more powerful, or heavily dominated by, your partner. This is an intense and revealing relationship!
Romantic illusions and fantasies, erotic imagination and dreams of perfect Love all play a crucial role in your relationship.
You are also likely to find that attitudes towards sexuality and love-making are different, and your moods are not always in sync with each other. You may wish your mate were more sensitive, or more aggressive (or less aggressive), more romantic (or less romantic), etc. On the other hand, if both of you are able to avoid the tendency to be selfish at times and withhold feelings, you may find that you are able to overcome old habits of extravagance, poor judgement and lack of discernment in financial matters. Illusions about romance can also be replaced with more realistic views.
You enjoy watching movies, reading novels, discussing music and the arts, and pursuing religious or metaphysical areas together. You work well together in any area that involves a strong imaginative element. The spiritual bond between you is strong, and as you spend time together, your ideals and your sense of purpose in life becomes more refined and intertwined.
You enjoy going out together and you will develop a love for the same friends, groups, and social activities. As a couple, you are outgoing and friendly, and will meet lots of new people and share many new experiences together.