Both of you are strong-willed and stubborn, and once you dedicate yourselves (to a person or a project), you will stay with it in good times and bad. Longevity, stability, and loyalty characterize your relationship.
Both of you can be infuriatingly obstinate and inflexible at times, and your personal styles and tastes can often conflict. For instance, Leo is a more social creature, wants to go out more often, and is more daring and colourful than Taurus is. Leo will spend or gamble more freely than Taurus.
But even though you thoroughly disagree sometimes, your commitment is always strong and rarely questioned. You KNOW you can depend on one another. Both of you are so resistant to change that even if you hated each other, it would be hard to disengage yourselves and move on!
Also, you need to guard against becoming so self-satisfied and comfortable in your relationship that you take one another for granted.
Both of you are loyal people who will protect and stand by loved ones in good times or bad. You are both constant in your affections and seek a partner who is warm, steady, and committed, rather than one who keeps you guessing. Material comfort and success are also quite important to you, but for different reasons: Taurus wants the security of money in the bank, as well as the comfort it can buy. Leo has an innate sense of grandness and generosity, and likes to be impressive. Differences in the way you use your material resources could become a major issue between you, and since you are both quite inflexible and opinionated, it may be different to reach a compromise when you do disagree. Leo can be very loud and melodramatic at times, which upsets Taurus who wants, above all else, peace and serenity at home.
There are lots of ups and downs in this relationship, and your feelings towards each other go to extremes. You experience periods of intense emotional excitement and sexual attraction, but at other times you get on each other's nerves and need some distance between you. After your bouts of anger and frustration with each other, your live and attraction for each other bounces back with a freshness and newness that insures that your life together will never become stale or boring. However, the instability of feelings and domestic life may make either, or both, of you long for a more reliable, consistent relationship.
You both may have some difficulty in properly expressing your sexual energies. Pent-up energies may build up, resulting in frustration and anger. Reaching a successful climax together may not be frequent nor satisfying. At times you will have conflicting styles in lovemaking. Mood will always play an important part in your relationship, sexual or otherwise.
Although the two of you are strongly attracted to each other, you often "rub each other the wrong way". Your personal tastes and interests are frequently different. If you try to convince each other that your life style, tastes, and interests are better than your partner's then you will frustrate each other and fail to appreciate and really understand each other. You must accept the fact that the two of you are different people with your own unique qualities. Don't try to force each other to adopt your own tastes, hobbies, and interests, as it will only make matters worse.
Communication problems are a key focus with the two of you. It may seem like pulling teeth to keep a conversation going, or gruelling work simply to get your point across to the other person. Resorting to monosyllabic replies, or talking only when it's necessary to convey some crucial information, may be the result of the frustration you both feel in talking to the other. This is very challenging! However, assuming other aspects of your relationship are really valuable and fulfilling to you, it would be worth the effort to learn to talk - and listen - to each other better.